In August 2020, PULPA mobilization teams have conducted community awareness activities in the grassroots communities of the target villages for CAHWs training. Various community dialogues and meetings were conducted for communities in each selected village using a participatory approach. More than 10 community members including the village committee, elders, religious leaders, youth, women, and pastoralists were attended community mobilization sessions in each selected village. Participants were sensitized mostly on the importance of CAHWs in the delivery of animal health services in remote areas with no or minimal access to public services as well as disease identification and outbreak reporting to the authority.

More emphases and discussions were made on how CAHWs plays an important role in the treatment and management of livestock diseases thereby protecting community livestock asset as well as cost recovery approach. Awareness of the use of veterinary drugs particularly antibiotics was conducted. Communities were also consulted on the selection of trainees to become CAHWs after training.

More than 150 community members from 12 different villages in Nugal, Mudug and Bari regions of Puntland State of Somalia were mobilized. Communities have also successfully selected 24 trainees to participate 6 weeks training conducted by PULPA and funded by FAO.